The Second World Summit Gut Microbiota for Health took place in Madrid from the 24th til the 26th of February 2013. In case you weren’t able to be present at the time of the summit, we have brought its content to you.

You will be able to follow the different parts of the Summit:

  • On Sunday afternoon, we have covered on Twitter with our account @GMFHx using the #GMFH2013 hashtag the general session. Lead experts in the field of Gut Microbiota Research have presented their latest findings from 2pm til 5pm (Madrid, Spain time). This session covered topics on Microbial Ecology, Gut Immunology, Host-Microbe Interaction, Biomarkers, Nutrition and Metabolic Conditions.
  • The 2nd day of the Summit was dedicated to Workshops on specific aspects of Gut Microbiota Research. For each workshop, we wrote detailed reports that will soon be posted on our platform
    1. “Gut Microbiota and functional bowel disorders”
    2. “Gut Microbiota and brain function”
    3. “Probiotics and prebiotics: use and selection”
    4. “Dysbiosis in IBD”
    5. “Faecal transplantation”
    6. “Technologies to investigate the human gut microbiota”
  • The 3rd and last day of the Summit, we covered the discussions on the workshops and the morning lectures on Twitter with our account @GMFHx using the #GMFH2013 hashtag. Lectures explored the following topics: Probiotics effects on gene expression in human intestinal mucosa, Fecal transplantation for the treatment of Clostridium difficile infection and Probiotics and the Gut-Brain Axis.

The entire event was covered on Twitter  with our account @GMFHx and we invite you to join the discussion, express your views and questions using the #GMFH2013 hashtag. You can also comment all the content that will be posted on our platform: