Fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, and sauerkraut are dietary staples for many cultures worldwide. Now scientists understand better how eating these foods as part of a balanced diet may contribute to improving gut health.

The gut microbiota influences sports performance and resilience after physical exercise. Also, practicing moderate exercise on a regular basis results in a healthier bacterial composition and, therefore, better physical and mental health.

As we look back, we can certainly say that 2021 has been a productive year for gut microbiome research. In this last post of the year, we bring you key articles from our blog and studies on major advances in the role of the gut microbiome in maintaining health and helping to manage gut and immune-related diseases. We will also look at the therapeutic potential of probiotics, prebiotics and postbiotics for your clinical practice.

Scientists agree that having a gut microbiota that is in ‘good shape’ is a crucial component of individual health and well-being. Although exactly how ‘good shape’ is defined is not so clear, many experts recommend consuming more live dietary microbes through including fermented foods that retain live microbial components.

Our Top 10 2020 gut microbiota articles

5 Jan 2021

by GMFH Editing Team

This year’s research has brought to light many interesting advances in the field of gut health and has unveiled some of the microbiota’s secrets. We have discussed the impact of diet, immunity, fermented foods, the characteristics of gut health, and of course we also covered COVID-19. So, can you guess what GMFH’s 10 most popular articles of 2020 were?

Although the COVID-19 pandemic has shifted the focus of research for scientists worldwide, major breakthroughs in gut microbiome science have been made in 2020. In this last post of the year, we bring you articles from our blog that cover the major advances in the gut microbiome in 2020, from bench to bedside.

Fermented foods are an increasing focus of interest for both scientists and consumers. Few modern foods are a significant source of live microbes, and fermented foods can be the exception. What do we know about how those dietary microbes impact our gut microbiota and our health?

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