Akkermansia as a target for obesity: authors comment

12 Jun 2013

by GMFH Editing Team

Using mice models, scientists from UCL and WUR found that Akkermansia muciniphila could have a role in reversing high-fat diet-induced metabolic disorders, in this study obesity and type-2 diabetes. The two first authors, Amandine Everard and Clara Belzer, having respectively

Some of My Best Friends Are Germs

16 May 2013

by GMFH Editing Team

American journalist Michael Pollan shares his experience with the American Gut Project and gives a full overview on the human microbiome as we know it today. "Here were the names of the hundreds of bacterial species that call me home.

The microbiome and rheumatoid arthritis

13 May 2013

by GMFH Editing Team

Humans are not (and have never been) alone. From the moment we are born, millions of micro-organisms populate our bodies and coexist with us rather peacefully for the rest of our lives. This microbiome represents the totality of micro-organisms (and

Moderator: Francisco Guarner – Speakers: Karen Scott, Colin Hill   Karen Scott’s presentation was designed as a pedagogical introduction to the notion of prebiotics. She put forward the definition given in Gibson et al 2010:  “Prebiotics are a selectively fermented

Workshop 4: Dysbiosis in IBD

15 Apr 2013

by GMFH Editing Team

Speakers: Dirk Haller (Germany), Balfour Sartor (USA)   Prof. Haller started his presentation by pointing out that “dysbiosis” is not a good term, because nobody knows what dysbiosis really means. To be able to understand what dysbiosis is, you would

The early life gut microbiota

24 Mar 2013

by GMFH Editing Team

Knowing how microbiota is established in the gut is a very important topic regarding epithelium maturation and immune system developpement. The early studies focused on the dynamic of the microbiota in infant aiming to understand homeostasy mecanisms. The early life

(27 February 2013) Although considerable progress has been made in determining the impact of the gut microbiota on the development of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and other gastrointestinal (GI) diseases, the detailed study and understanding of the composition and effects

Stool transplants highly efficient for Clostridium difficile infections and other gastrointestinal conditions — online press conference at 2nd World Summit “Gut Microbiota For Health” held today (26 February 2013) Clostridium difficile infections have developed into a virtual pandemic over the

Gut bacteria may affect cardiovascular risk

31 Dec 2012

by GMFH Editing Team

Though atherosclerosis is an artery problem, microscopic denizens of the intestines may play a surprising role in how the disease plays out. A new study suggests that different mixes of intestinal microbes may determine whether people will have heart attacks

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