As we look back, we can certainly say that 2021 has been a productive year for gut microbiome research. In this last post of the year, we bring you key articles from our blog and studies on major advances in the role of the gut microbiome in maintaining health and helping to manage gut and immune-related diseases. We will also look at the therapeutic potential of probiotics, prebiotics and postbiotics for your clinical practice.

Gut health benefits begin in pregnancy

10 Nov 2021

by Cristina Sáez

Assumed for a long-time immune system training started after birth, when mom’s microbiota started colonizing the newborn, Yale University scientists point out that process may have begun much earlier, in utero.

The role of gut microbiota in shaping immune responses has led scientists to explore the modulation of the immune system as a mechanism underlying the health benefits of probiotics. A new systematic review and meta-analysis of 9 randomized clinical trials suggest probiotics may reduce the incidence of respiratory and gastrointestinal tract infections in generally healthy children and adults.

Our Top 10 2020 gut microbiota articles

5 Jan 2021

by GMFH Editing Team

This year’s research has brought to light many interesting advances in the field of gut health and has unveiled some of the microbiota’s secrets. We have discussed the impact of diet, immunity, fermented foods, the characteristics of gut health, and of course we also covered COVID-19. So, can you guess what GMFH’s 10 most popular articles of 2020 were?

The metabolic activity of immune cells is enhanced after a viral infection, such as the one driven by COVID-19. Dietary approaches that support a healthy gut microbiome can benefit the immune system and ensure a good nutritional status that would help the host deal with pathogens.

Fermented foods are an increasing focus of interest for both scientists and consumers. Few modern foods are a significant source of live microbes, and fermented foods can be the exception. What do we know about how those dietary microbes impact our gut microbiota and our health?

COVID-19 primarily attacks the respiratory system. However, the links between the latter, your digestive tract and immune system make an examination of the role of nutrition and the gut microbiota in the fight against the virus relevant. Here is the first article of a two-part series on the subject.

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