Gut Microbiota Research & Practice is a section dedicated to promoting knowledge-sharing and debate among researchers, scientists and healthcare professionals. You will find a selection of discussions about articles from scientific literature as well as other content including interviews with experts, event reports, and special publications.

Since 2013, thousands of people have been voluntarily sending samples of microbes from their bodies to the laboratory of Dr. Rob Knight in Boulder, Colorado. The samples are analyzed as part of the American Gut project, a citizen science endeavor

The American Microbiome Institute (AMI), established in 2013, is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to advance microbiome science and education. William Bonificio and David McKeon, the co-founders and co-CEOs, have assembled a scientific advisory board that includes Martin Blaser, Rob Knight, and

My name is Demian Herrera and I’m a paediatrician, working right now in private consult and as a teacher for paediatrics for medical students and physiology and biochemistry for odontology students; I have a passion for the intestinal microbiome and

Dr. Erika Isolauri is a professor of paediatrics at the University of Turku, and chief physician at the Department of Paediatrics at Turku University Hospital in Finland. At the 2014 Harvard Probiotics Symposium she presented a talk entitled Probiotic Use

The 2nd congress on targeting microbiota was held at Institut Pasteur in Paris on October 16-17, 2014. Professor Marvin Edeas, chairman of the scientific committee, warned the attendees about avoiding speculation where the challenge might be prevention instead of finding treatment.

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