Little is known about the relationship between diet, the composition and function of the gut microbiota and clinical symptoms of IBS. New findings identify how IBS symptom severity is related to a higher intake of foods with poor nutritional quality and gut microbiome features at both subspecies level and metabolic pathways involved in carbohydrate metabolism.

Analysing the molecular and biochemical mechanisms disturbing the complex network of communication is key to our understanding of the pathophysiology of the functional GI disorders. Together with ESNM we have prepared an exciting webinar series under the topic: Microbiota and Gut-Brain Connection: A new Frontier in Neurogastroenterology. This free resource is a great opportunity to hear leading worldwide experts presenting the most recent findings on this topic.

Despite the fact that current guidelines for managing inflammatory bowel diseases do not devote attention to diet as a central element of treatment, there is an increasing amount of evidence that supports the role of diet in patients with IBD. A new nationwide cohort study shows the association between the level of inflammatory potential in diet and risk of Crohn’s disease.

Irritable bowel syndrome is one of the most common disorders diagnosed by gastroenterologists. Peppermint oil, specific probiotics, psyllium supplementation, first-line IBS dietary advice, and a low FODMAP diet can aid in improving IBS symptoms.

How food might lead to IBS symptoms

10 Aug 2020

by GMFH Editing Team

Diet is one of the cornerstones for managing IBS. The study of mechanisms of action coupled with symptom-related data are valuable for understanding the role of exclusion diets in patients with IBS.

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