Digestive Disease Week 2016 was held in San Diego during the month of May, where the role of the intestinal microbiota in health and disease continues to be a major topic in gastroenterology.

A recent study of humans with celiac disease who were treated with helminths raised the possibility that an increase in microbial species richness (i.e. the number of different species present) could regulate gluten-induced inflammation in the gut.

Quality and quantity of gluten, maturity of gut functions influencing antigen trafficking and handling (e.g. pattern recognition receptors and barrier function) and changes in microbiome composition are factors that contribute to the pathogenesis of the disease.

At the occasion of the "New therapies in coeliac disease" conference hosted by Columbia University in New-York on March 20, 2014, Dr. Elena Verdú, our expert in Nutrition, is sharing with us the last trends in research in the field of

Dr Elena Verdú's lab seeks to understand the complex pathophysiology of gastrointestinal disease, with a focus on microbiota-diet interactions, to identify novel therapeutic targets for these disorders.     1/ What strikes you most in the evolution of research on

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